What if we could skip step 2 and 3 ?
Snap tomato is a mash up development by lorenzo puccetti (lorenzo on github ).
Notable used technologies are:
You don't have to register to use our Website.
Since we sit on the server side we inevitably have access to some information about you: your browser, date and time of your visit, your IP address, etcetera. We tend to use this information in the aggregate to better understand how you use our site so to improve our services. We don't sell it, rent it or disclose it to anyone. We disclose it only if required by law or if we believe - in good faith - that disclosure is necessary to protect our website and/or third parties.
If you are using it and you have a suggestion to make it better, please write a comment on Disqus or drop me an e-mail (lorenzo.snaptomato at gmail.com)